Wani lokacin  idan nayi nazari game da yadda tarbiyyar matasa Maza da mata ta tabarbare awannan zamanin da muke ciki, bisa la'akari da abin dake faruwa a zahiri da kuma kan kafofin sadarwa, hankalina yakan Qara tashi  sosai idan nayi tunanin : TO YAYA AL'UMMAR DA ZASU ZO ABAYANMU ZASU KASANCE?? 

Yanzu mu a wautarmu ta 'yan zamani muna ganin kamar munfi iyayenmu da kakanninmu wayewa (watakil saboda yaduwar ilimi da kuma ci gaban da muke ganin an samu alokacin wanda babu shi anasu zamanin, to amma idan muka dubi lamarin ta fuskar  addini zamu ga cewa iyayenmu da kakaninmu:

Sun fimu kirki. 
Sun fimu tsoron Allah. 
Sun fimu zumunci. 
Sun fimu tsayawa kan gaskiya. 
Sun fimu rikon amana. 
Sun fimu kunya. 
Sun fimu kula da sallah. 
Sun fimu biyayyar aure. 
Sun fimu kula da hakkin iyali. 
Sun fimu biyayya ga nasu iyayen. 
Sun fimu kula da hakkin makobta. 
Sun fimu taimakon addini. 
Sun fimu nisantar manyan zunubai. 

Mu kuwa bamu fisu da komai ba, fache wayrear kai na Qarya, da bushewar zuciya, da shagala da son duniya da Qekashewar zukata

Ku dubi yadda  muke ayanzu mawaka sunfi Malamai farin jini, kishin siyasa yafi ratsa zukatan matasa fiye da kishin addini.. Karatun neman duniya (boko) yafi  karatun addini farin jini agun masu mulki da kuma iyayen yara. 

'Yan Comedy  da masu rawar nanaye sunfi farin jini fiye da  Alarammomi mahaddatan Alqur'ani. Matasa sunfi son karatun novel da kallon fina-finai fiye da karatun Hadisi.. 

To 'yan uwa shin wacce irin al'ummah muke kokarin ginawa ne?  Shin 'ya'yanmu da jikanunmu akan wacce tarbiyyah zasu rayu?? Shin yaya zamaninsu zai kasance?

Ku dubi yadda wasu matan har shafuka garesu wanda suka kirkira musamman domin ya'da kalaman batsa da hotunan batsa akan facebook da  YouTube. Shin wacce irin zuriya ce zata fito ta karkashin irin wadannan matayen?? 

Ya Allah Ya mafi jinkan masu jinkai, ka gafarta laifukanmu ka yafe mana ka shiryi zukatanmu ka gyara ayyukanmu don falalarka da rahamarka ka sanyamu cikin salihan bayinka. Ameen. 

DAGA ZAUREN FIQHU 07064213990 (24/01/2021)


  1. The FPGA can be effectively configured to scale back the pointless or overhead capabilities concerned in GPU systems. Compared to GPU, the FPGA is restricted to both weak-behaved floating-point performance and integer inference. The major FPGA side is the potential to dynamically reconfigure the array characteristics (at run-time), in addition to the capability to configure the array via effective design with little or no overhead. In the worst cases, the GPU efficiency is between 15 and 20% of the utmost theoretical performance. This issue is required to enlarge the memory bandwidth using high-bandwidth stacked reminiscence.
    Machine learning represents a set of algorithms skilled on information that make all of this potential. Machine learning is a subset of AI centered on constructing purposes that can learn from knowledge to improve their accuracy over time, without human intervention. Machine learning algorithms may be skilled to seek out patterns to make higher decisions and predictions, but this typically requires human intervention.
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